MadiDrops® are being used in a range of communities in over 40 countries, providing 65,000 people with a combined 30 million liters of safe water. Every day, those numbers increase!
The overwhelming feedback is families enjoy using the MadiDrop® to ensure their safe drinking water, and most importantly – their health improves.
“The villagers generally know that they should boil or chlorinate their water, but have stubbornly refused because of the taste, temperature and/or effort needed. After 1.5 months [of using the MadiDrop], the reports are that chronic diarrhea has stopped, and the latest report yesterday is that households are now sharing with their neighbors. This is significant because it is the monsoon when there is usually greater contamination and incidence of diarrhea. It also means that the ‘taste, temperature and/or effort’ obstacles are being broken down, and they are spreading the word.”
From day one, we have believed in the MadiDrop’s potential to have an immense positive impact upon global communities. As the manufacturer, we rely on humanitarian and mission-based organizations, commercial distribution companies, and social entrepreneurs to bring this message to the end user. To get there, they had to believe in the product themselves.
Before launching their MadiDrop® social enterprise, Seeds of Hope International Partnerships conducted a year long laboratory study in conjunction with community studies in Kaloko and Mapolo where diarrhea and other waterborne diseases are common due to substandard municipal systems and shallow hand dug wells. Testing over the year showed a reduction of up to 100% in disinfecting the water in overnight periods for water samples. For the few water samples with higher contamination, the water quality tested negative for E. coli and general coliforms at 24 Hours. Perception survey responses from the users said the smell and taste of the MadiDrop® treated water was normal and that they would recommend the product to their friends.
“The MadiDrop is easier to use than any other disinfection product.” – Anne Chipeta, SoHIP (Kaloko, Zambia)
“The MadiDrop is a realistic option to disinfect drinking water among Zambian communities.” – SoHIP Final Report
“It has helped us so much that now there is less diarrhea.” – Christina N., Test Household in Kaloko
“We now have safe water, especially during this hot season when the municipal water supply had green water coming from the water point taps.” – Esnart P., Test Household in Kaloko
“It's the best product because I don't have to buy it very often and I don't need to boil water as much.” – Faneli M., Test Household in Kaloko
Whave Solutions works with rural communities in the Kamuli District where water sources such as boreholes often break down and experience repair delays, leading to high risk of waterborne illnesses. With the goal of launching a social enterprise, MadiDrops® were introduced to four communities – Nakibungulya, Nawanende, Busuwa, and Bukubembe Kirangira – through “community sensitization meetings.” Community members revealed that they do not regularly boil or filter their water due to lack of time or firewood and rarely use chlorine due to smell. They were excited that the MadiDrop® doesn’t have a chlorine taste or smell, and it remains in the container without needing any additional attention, and they’d be willing to pay for a MadiDrop®. Overnight testing in all four communities done every month over the course of 6 months confirmed the MadiDrop® worked as expected and fully reduced waterborne pathogen levels.
“It is clear that there is a demand to purchase MadiDrops. Community members are saving their money so that they can purchase by the end of the year.” – Whave Solutions
“Thank you for the results; it’s amazing so far how the MadiDrop is doing wonders so far.” – Joel Mukanga, Whave (Uganda)
“We used to have some diarrhea but since we started using the MadiDrop, there has been no diarrhea in my family.”
“I no longer boil my water. I just drink MadiDrop water and my family is all ok.”
“The water is good. I feel healthier than ever before. I tell everyone about the MadiDrop!”
Before beginning a program in Honduras, Water for ME, in association with the University of Maine, undertook a seven-month evaluation of MadiDrop® efficacy. Tests demonstrated the MadiDrop® was effective at removing large concentrations of microbial contamination. In all of the trials with challenge waters spiked with 3, 5 and 7 log E. coli, the MadiDrop® completely removed the E. coli after 24 hours. After seven months, similar results were seen. Silver ion concentrations evaluated after seven and fourteen days of exposure were below the WHO guideline of 100 µg/L.
Results for total coliforms and E. coli at 24 hours showed:
Source Water: Too Numerous to Count (TNTC)
MadiDrop-treated source water: <1 CFU/100ml (non-detectable)
MadiDrop-treated EC spiked: <1 CFU/100ml (non-detectable)
Agua y Vida has a deep understanding of local contamination issues in communities near the Javari River, a tributary of the Amazon River. They identified MadiDrops® as a low-cost technology that would ensure the safety of drinking water where it is consumed – in the home. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the MadiDrop® at reducing high pathogen levels, Agua y Vida conducted overnight compartment bag tests (CBT) using water samples collected from the Javari River in Santo Antonio, Brazil. Results showed that E. coli and general coliform levels in the MadiDrop®-treated water were undetectable after 12 hours of disinfection.
“A unique thing about the MadiDrop is that it keeps the storage container clean which is a huge problem. This is a challenging obstacle to overcome and the MadiDrop does it with ease.”
In a primary school northwest of Kampala, A Rocha Uganda and Faith in Water conducted a 6 month study in which drinking water containers with MadiDrops® were placed in each classroom. The program was a success – There was a reduction in diarrhea and typhoid cases, improved attendance, and increased concentration in class.
Working in the State of Andhra Pradesh, Ultimate Mission empowers women to become medical missionaries, providing basic training in first aid, nutrition, hygiene and clean water safety. With an expanding MadiDrop® program in place, Ultimate Mission first used MadiDrops® as part of their rural outreach, educating families about why their water, often drawn from bore holes, lakes and streams, makes them sick.
“In Venkata Reddy Palli, we do not have good water to drink. We always fall sick from diarrhea. As soon as I received [a MadiDrop], my family started to feel better. Now we are all healthy.” – Lakshmi D.
"Thank you for this wonderful product." – Jim Reynolds, Ultimate Mission
"Upon returning to the villages where we distributed the MadiDrop after a month, we heard amazing testimonies from the families.” – Local health worker for Ultimate Mission
The Rhino Refugee Camp Settlement, located in Arua District, has housed over 55,000 refugees, mostly from South Sudan. In response to rising concerns about water safety, MadiDrop® selected John Jaldak as a MadiDrop® Ambassador. John saw a desperate need for safe water, especially among some of the most vulnerable people in the camp. The team provided MadiDrops® to female-headed households and to households with disabled or special needs members.
“The MadiDrops are doing great. We used them for water quality testing and they were superb. MadiDrops have been distributed in the camp, where water contamination is high.”
Oak Pointe Church worked with Campus Crusades in the remote Pandi Forest region to help displaced people with no access to water treatment equipment such as filters or chemicals. MadiDrops® provided a lightweight, easy-to-carry, simple approach to safe drinking water and storage.
“The MadiDrops we brought to this village provided close to 1.5 years’ worth of clean water. As a result, 1200 people in this village are experiencing clean water for the first time! Truly amazing!”
In Nzali, Carpenter’s Kids – operated by the Anglican Diocese of Central Tanganyika, and supported by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Ivy, Virginia – introduced MadiDrops® to families in the village. There had previously been no water treatment in place. The communities embraced the MadiDrop®, especially since it did not change the taste or smell to the drinking water.
“We are all so excited about the MadiDrop and its use in Tanzania! There seems to be a decline in waterborne disease in Nzali and there has not been one incident of cholera in Nzali during the most recent outbreak in the area. People are feeling that their new education about clean water and the MadiDrops are the reason.”
Waves of Love had previously used many kinds of filters in the communities they serve, but maintenance issues led to a waste of money and resources. They saw the MadiDrop® as a great solution because of its longevity, affordability, and how easy it is to incorporate into people’s daily routines.
“We have been providing the MadiDrop to rural families, who are very excited about its simplicity of use. Everyone is grateful to get clean drinking water everyday simply by placing the MadiDrop in their bucket.”
“Thank you for saving my gut. Since I got my MadiDrop, I haven’t gotten sick. When I first began this job, I lost 10 lbs due to gastrointestinal challenges, which is a lot considering I am only 115 lbs and 5’ 6. I am very encouraged by this technology. ”
“We are half way with our MadiDrop project, and people love it. Despite not treating their drinking water due to lack of time and wood, they are willing to buy the drop because of its low cost.” – Tula Ngasala, Michigan State University (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
"I am very impressed with the product. After using it, I believe it’s the best and the most important product for India and the world. I am satisfied with the microbial reduction and, with the MadiDrop, I no longer get sick." – Chandan Jain (Tamil Nadu, India)
“The MadiDrop was well-received by the community and its price point is not a hurdle. ”
“The MadiDrops are getting great feedback. They’re awesome to distribute to people in need!” – Matt Johnson, Church Advancement Coordinator, Mission of Hope for Rio Vista Community Church (Haiti)
"Families have given us very positive feedback and feel that the MadiDrops have made a difference in their health. Although a well had been dug in their community, it did not produce enough water for everyone, so some people were still getting water from contaminated sources. The MadiDrops have become a great help for them.” – Mark Long, First Baptist Church (Guatemala)
“The MadiDrops are amazing… a miracle for many. ”
“Since I got the MadiDrop two months ago, I have been using it as directed and now I really feel the water I am drinking is safe. I want the MadiDrop 100% and I want to keep using it.” – WSC Secretary, Whave (Busuwa, Uganda)
“I just had a baby and when I gave birth, there was no pain like before because my body is strong from MadiDrop water.” – Test household, Whave (Busawa, Uganda)
“I used to suffer from sicknesses like flus or colds, always took tablets, and had a weak body. But since I got the MadiDrop three months ago, I feel fit and I am no longer sick. I don’t have to take tablets anymore. ”
“I used to have stomach pains and fever if I drank water without boiling it. Now I only use the MadiDrop. I have stopped boiling my water and I am fine. I have no stomach problems anymore.” – WSC Treasurer, Whave (Bukubembe Kirangira, Uganda)
“I have two water containers and want to buy another MadiDrop so I can use one in each." – Bwanga S., Whave (Nawanende, Uganda)